Vol. 12, No. 27, January 17, 2000
  • A Tour Of Safeco Field
  • Back To Glendale
  • District Governor Attends Safeco Tour
  • Valentine's Dinner
  • Friday Potpurri
  • Expanding Rotary In Russia Conference
  • Deasy Cops ROTM Prize
  • Fisheries Update
  • Board Meets & Decides
  • Passages
  • Thought At Safeco Field
  • Rourke Goes Karting
  • Web Fun
  • A Tour Of Safeco Field
    About 80 members of Rotary and their guests were guided on a tour of the Northwest’s newest sporting facility, the controversial Safeco Field. BBRC Rotarians saw glimpses of the first-class baseball stadium, understanding why it’s called the “finest field in baseball.”

    After a delicious buffet breakfast in the Diamond Club, the attendees were split into two groups and guided through areas where the general public never goes. Sarah and Adee were the tour guides and they knew their stuff.

    Stops on the tour included the visitors’ locker room, where a five-minute video took the group on a quick tour of the Scoreboard Control Room, the Mariners’ Locker Room, and the Retractable Roof Control Room. Next stop was the Terrace Level, where 4,500 spectators have plush upholstered seats leading from a place for eating and gathering with friends. The Rotarians visited a Suite which could accommodate about 25 people. All Suites around the stadium have both inside and outside seating. We were told that Suites are available on a one-day basis, for as low as $1,300 and as much as $3,000 ,depending on the number in the party.

    Rotarian Margie Burnett shows off the latest rainwear fashions during a tour of Safeco Field Friday.

    Down to the press box for the next stop, where the offer was made to produce the next issue of Reveille. All members of the tour entered the field of play during a fairly steady rainstorm. The grass, which was not suffering from drought, looked perfectly healthy. Once on the field, one could see how this stadium was crafted as a baseball-only facility – sightlines and spectator proximity were outstanding.

    The first full season in the Mariners’ new Field begins in April. Our thanks to Brian Evison, who arranged the details of Friday’s off-site visit. Bill Krueger, often a visitor to regular BBRC meetings and former Mariner pitcher also attended.

    Friday Potpourri
    After the opening word from President John DeWater, Alan Pratt delivered the Invocation and led the pledge to the flag. Tim Moriarty introduced two visiting Rotarians and a host of other visitors.

    Sergeant At Arms Steve Lingenbrink, saying that he really didn’t have any items of interest, called upon Rourke O’Brien, the Club’s reigning Fine Champion. Rourke has never shied away from publicity and he’s at it again! Over-advertising cost him $200.

    Sergeant At Arms Steve Lingenbrink nails a willing Rourke O'Brien with a $200 fine for Rourke's latest venture of building 50 nationwide Traxx Karting Centers. "It's as close as you can get to real racing," said Rourke, as he swelled the coffers of the Sergeant At Arms Fund.

    Marina, the Club’s Brazilian Exchange Student, reported her delight in seeing her first snowflakes this past week! She also reported she’s getting the hang of English and therefore her “grades are better.” Remember to include Marina in future activities you may be planning with your family. She needs about a week’s notice. Contact her through Don Chandler.

    Deasy Cops ROTM Prize
    After all the hard work of planning and implementing the BBRC’s most successful raffle event ever, Don Deasy was honored as the Rotarian Of The Month for November. A little late, perhaps, but Don’s been busy catching up with his real work. For devising the Raffle Sales Tool, which used a baseball metaphor, Don and his helpers took the Raffle to new heights. Over $110,000 was ultimately raised, all of which will go to support worthwhile community charities.

    Congratulations, Don, you really raised the bar on raffle sales!

    Don Deasy (R) holds his newly-acquired Rotarian of the Month Award from President John DeWater.

    Board Meets & Decides
    The BBRC Board of Directors heard various reports at its January Board meeting. President John announced that Bob Wilson of the Rotary Club of Lynnwood will assume the District Governor’s chair on July 1, 2001.

    President-Elect Cary Kopczynski offered a report on feedback from new members regarding the Club’s New Member Committee Program. The purpose is to help new members become acclimated with Club activities and learn more in-depth information about Rotary and their own club. After one year of operation, new members were positive about the new member experience, finding it generally “enjoyable.” Cary said there was a need for more information about the Raffle and that a training session should be scheduled. The newcomers also asked more details about where the Club’s money goes and what process determines its disbursement. It was suggested a separate tab on the website could lead members to understand how the grant process works and provide updated reports on fundraising activities.

    Cary reminded the Board that the Annual Club Retreat will be at Port Ludlow, April 28-29. This is much later than usual, because of a late Easter and to eliminate conflicts with spring vacation.

    With great regret, the Board unanimously accepted resignations of four members: Steve Brown, Frank Coyle, Dan Hering, and Scott Hotes. As was noted by the Board, all of these members were fairly new to the organization, which caused some alarm and broad discussion. All four cited business reasons for their resignations.

    Rourke Goes Karting
    The BBRC’s resident entrepreneur, Rourke O’Brien, has embarked on a new venture, which will see construction of at least 50 “karting” centers throughout the country within the next several months. Operating under the name “Traxx,” karting is a big venture in Europe, where Rourke saw a demonstration of how exciting the sport is. In Brussels, he saw a young boy don the helmet and driving suit and head out on the track. Europe boasts between 500 and 1,000 kart tracks, while the U.S. has less than 50.

    Rourke has formed a group of 15 investors, who have provided the initial capital to get Traxx up and running. They are in the process of buying two of the four tracks operating in the Puget Sound region and negotiating for leases in other Northwest cities.

    “We think the karting business today is where the coffee business was in its pre-Starbucks coffee cart days,” observes Rourke. Traxx has hired Elgin DDB public relations firm to create a marketing plan and develop a Web site.

    With Rourke’s ventures, the Sergeant At Arms budget should have no problems meeting annual expectations.

    After a four-week layoff, the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club will return to the Glendale Country Club on 140th Avenue in Bellevue this Friday and on future Fridays. A remodeling project for the Glendale kitchen is just about complete. Plan to be at the Country Club for Friday’s 7:00 a.m. meeting.

    District Governor Attends Safeco Tour
    Making sure he’s earning his keep as District 5030 Governor, Duane Ruud, using the close proximity of Safeco Field to his office, attended Friday’s BBRC meeting. Duane is a member of West Seattle Rotary. He, along with the other Rotarians, was mightily impressed with the tour of Seattle’s newest sports facility.

    Valentine’s Dinner
    The Fourth or Fifth Annual Valentine’s Dinner has reached sign-up time. Bob Moloney announced this fellowship event will take place on Saturday evening, February 12. Members are invited to select either a host or guest role. Each host is expected to entertain 6 or 8 guests and provide the entree and one side dish. Guests are to bring appetizers, salad, side dishes, dessert, bread, and wine. Sign-up sheets will be available at the next meeting at the Glendale Country Club. Check with your spouse NOW and be prepared to sign up on Friday. Matches for hosts/guests will be made around February 1.

    Expanding Rotary In Russia Conference
    Brian Evison
    reminded members of the upcoming conference at the SeaTac DoubleTree the end of January to explore further expansion of Rotary in Russia. Now, it is learned that nearly 100 Russians are expected to attend and the need is great for host families. The BBRC is responsible for providing at least three host families. Because of the increased interest in the conference, which is attracting Rotarians from many nations, the need for host families has also increased. Guests will begin arriving January 25 for the conference that runs January 28 through 30. If you’re interested in helping to improve the level of goodwill, peace, and understanding in a critical part of the world, please contact Brian with your questions.

    Saturday night, January 29, at 7:00 p.m., is the closing dinner of the conference, featuring Rotary International President Carlo Ravizza. There is interest for the BBRC to reserve a table at this important even, held at the DoubleTree Hotel at SeaTac. Tickets are $35.00 per person. Contact Brian Evison.

    Fisheries Update
    Preserve Planet Earth Committee Chair Tim Moriarty observes that the National Marine Fisheries Service has issued the long-awaited report on Rule 4(d), the proposal governing the taking of fish. For those members interested in the follow-up of the program on December 3, 1999, kindly access this web page

    Congratulations to Mike and Trish Hyodo as they welcome the newest member of their household, Joshua Thomas Hyodo, born Friday (Rotary Day, of course) January 14, 2000. Joshua weighed in at slightly over 6 pounds. Mom and baby doing fine. Dad okay, too!

    Joshua Thomas Hyodo

    Thought At
    Safeco Field

    Casey Stengel said, “I was not successful as a baseball player, as it is a game of skill.”

    Other thoughts embossed on the entry way mosaic at Safeco Field:

    “Without heroes, we’re all plain people and don’t know how far we can go.”

    – Bernard Malamud
    “The Natural”

    “The game of baseball has always been linked with the mystic texture of childhood.”

    – Anonymous


    A Point to Ponder
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.

    A young man once asked God how long a million years was to Him.

    God replied, “A million years to me is just like a single second in your time.”

    Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to Him.

    God replied, “A million dollars to me is just like a single penny to you.”

    Then the young man got his courage up and asked “God, could I have one of your pennies?”

    God smiled and replied, “Certainly, just a second.”

    That’s Just the Way It Is:
    Another View of the Organization
    Start with a cage containing five monkeys.
    In the cage, hang a banana on a string and put a set of stairs under it.

    Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the Banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result: all the monkeys are sprayed with cold water.

    Pretty soon, when any monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

    Now, turn off the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm.

    Again, replace a third original monkey with a new one. The new one makes it to the stairs and is attacked as well. Two of the four monkeys that beat him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey, but they do it anyway. After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys, all the monkeys, which have been sprayed with cold water, have been replaced. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs.

    Why not?

    Because that’s the way it’s always been around here. And that’s how company policy begins.

    An English professor wrote the words, "a woman without her man is
    nothing" on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

    The men wrote:
    "A woman, without her man, is nothing."

    The women wrote:
    "A woman: without her, man is nothing."

    Punctuation is everything!

    Where do you find a dog with no legs?

    Right where you left him.

    $$$ Money $$$

    Money can buy a house
    but not a home.

    Money can buy a bed
    but not sleep.

    Money can buy a clock
    but not time.

    Money can buy a book
    but not knowledge.

    Money can buy food
    but not an appetite.

    Money can buy position
    but not respect.

    Money can buy blood
    but not life.

    Money can buy medicine
    but not health.

    Money can buy sex
    but not love.

    Money can buy insurance
    but not safety.

    You see, money is not everything.

    Therefore, if you have too much, please, send
    it to me, immediately.

    From a picture hanging in the office of the Commissioner of the IRS

    The Reveille is published weekly by the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club for the enlightenment and enjoyment of its members. It is available through the website, by email, fax, and is sometimes even distributed in person. Typos do not occur; if you think you see one, tell John Mix -- although you are probably wrong. Members of the Publications Committee responsible for Reveille production include: Craig Groshart, Tom Helbling, Mark Hough, and John Mix. Layout by Cheep Graphics, Tacoma.

    Rotary graphics provided by Tord Elfwendahl, The Rotary Club of Stockholm Strand, RI Dist 2350.