IN THIS ISSUE The Great Race(s)
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BBRC Milestones
Web Fun

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 Deadline for enrollment is June 20! There is
still time! More Information
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Remember to fill out and submit the BBRC Directory Census Form to have your member page included in the ever-growing online Member Directory!
Check out the CALENDAR for a list of upcoming events, weekly meeting topics, off-site meetings, and a complete listing of make-up locations.
 The Combatants: Lingenbrink, #9, & O'Brien, #10, before the big race.
What Rotary Club do you know that picks up its toys and heads for the track? The Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club did just that Friday for a breakfast meeting at the Traxx Indoor Race
Course in Mukilteo. Hosted by Rotarian Rourke O’Brien, about 50 members of the BBRC showed up, with a smattering of guests also attending.
Traxx International, brainchild of
O’Brien last year, plans to open several more tracks around the country in the near future. O’Brien, while on a European vacation, saw hundreds of the tracks operating throughout
Europe. “I reasoned that this was a business waiting to happen in the U.S. and came back with plans that created Traxx.” More
Shakespeare At Sammamish
 Lisa Morford, center, taking a break from rehearsals of “Shakespeare on the Green,” with two of her actors, Sandra
Uveric and Armando Gonzalez.
Many BBRC members may remember Lisa Morford, who attended a recent Rotary meeting. Lisa is a teacher at Sammamish High School and is preparing her students to perform
scenes from the plays of the Bard. On Thursday of this week (June 8) BBRC members are invited to attend something Lisa calls, “A Montage of Scenes from many of Shakespeare’s plays.”
First show time is Thursday, from 11:02 a.m. until 12:32 p.m. A second and repeat showing will be from 12:32 p.m. to 1:15. These times coincide with the SHS lunch period.
The BBRC has supported Lisa and her Shakespeare project with an infusion of funds, including a $1,000 grant. Now, you can see your money in action. Plan to take in one or both
performances, Thursday, June 8, at 11:32 a.m. and 12:32 p.m.
Rotating The Wheels
Friday, June 23,
is just around the corner. And the Fellowship Committee has put together a fun-filled evening of food, dancing, and entertainment, all centered around the arrival of a new set of officers and directors and saying a fond farewell to the team who has led the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club this past year.
The big event will be at the General
Petroleum Museum on Bellevue Avenue in Seattle.
Cost is $30.00 per person and the dress
is casual. Activities begin with a reception at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m., and a program and entertainment to follow.
When your invitation arrives this week,
be sure to respond and join the BBRC celebrating the end of the DeWater era and the birth of the Kopczynski regime. It will be a great time!
Age doesn’t matter, unless you are cheese.